Current Enrollment: 139 students, PreK3 through 8th grade
Faculty: Principal, 19 lay teachers, librarian, nurse, specialists in resource and math
Faculty/Student Ratio: One class per grade level kindergarten through 8th grade, as well as PreK3 and PreK4; class sizes range from 11 to 20 students, with PreKs as full-day classes
Qualifications of Staff: All academic instructors are degreed and certified, including 10 masters' degrees; 33 percent of teachers have graduate degrees; 10-year average teaching tenure at SPCCS
Curriculum: Diocese of Dallas Standards-Based Curriculum; all core subjects plus Religion, Latin, Technology, Art, Music, Library, and Physical Education; the 2023-2024 school year is the fourth in a four-year renewal process to implement the Catholic Classical Liberal philosophy and curriculum model
Accreditation: TCCB ED
Hours: 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM; Extended Day is available from 7:10 AM to 7:30 AM and school-supervised aftercare from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM
Uniforms: Uniforms are mandatory and must be purchased from Risse Brothers
Extracurricular Activities: Athletics including soccer, football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, track, golf, and tennis through the Dallas Parochial League and the Richardson YMCA; other activities including NASP Archery, Altar Servers, Art Club, Band, Choir, Girls on the Run, Green Team, National Junior Honor Society, Drama, Student Council, and Yearbook Staff.
Special Programs: Math and Language Arts Resource PreK3 through 8th grade, Dyslexia Therapy, Enrichment for Kindergarten through 8th grade